Selasa, 7 Ogos 2012

So much for saying out loud. 
Aku dah tak selesa untuk tulis benda-benda macam tadi pun.
Kau masih boleh baca post aku kalaupun aku revert dia jadi draft balik, cuma kena usaha je.
Biasanya peminat tegar je yang buat macam tu; atau biasanya orang panggil stalker.

Ini..aku tak tahu benda baik atau tak.
Aku..cuma boleh cerita dekat kau je.
Kalau aku tak tercerita dengan kau,
maknanya cerita tu pun..habis macam tu je.

Isnin, 6 Ogos 2012

I Love You.

"Noti, meh sini jap."
"Amende kau."
"Meh la."
*selit kertas*
"Ni apahal pulak ni?"
"Balik rumah karang baru bukak."

Insecurities Bomb.

*singgung bahu* "Hey there."
"Eh hi.What's up?"
"Nothing new. You? You look miserable dude."
"Oh yeke."
"Asal bro."
"Stop calling me bro. Tak rasa macam lelaki pun sekarang. My feminine side are showing. Tak nampak ke?"
"Woa chill. Kau dah kenapa? Cerita ah."
"Nothing. I feel stupid. Useless. Who wants to marry me anyway?"
"Rilek ah. Aku kan ada."
"Kau gelak. So much for trying to convince me."
"Alah..chill la. Kau okey apa."
"Yeah, right..'okay' is the best word to describe me. The only word possible."
"Dude..Is this the new you? I don't..really know how to handle the new you."
"No, this is me. The current, the old. Just me."
"You're PMS-ing."
"I don't know why I'm calling you in the first place."
"Dude let's go to some other place. I know a good restaurant. Good food."
"Yeah let's go."
"Dude, I forgot to tell you something."
"Yeah what?"
"You are beautiful."

Sabtu, 4 Ogos 2012

knowing you're helpless despite wanting him to be happy,
knowing that there's nothing you can do except pray, pray, and pray,
and keep praying,
God, please give him the things he wanted most.
God, please let him be happy.

and knowing that you are suck.

Jumaat, 3 Ogos 2012

kau tau ada yang tak kena dengan kau kalau kau frequently lari pergi surau, 
belakang bangunan,
semata-mata nak menangis.

lepas tu pasang senyuman plastik.
ketawa macam biasa.
berbual macam biasa.
mengarut macam biasa.

kau tau kau pathetic.